I feel like i'm taking crazy pills.

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I feel like i'm taking crazy pills.

Postby Lizzy » August 11th, 2014, 9:45 pm

I was going to post this in the forums. I think i'll post it here instead..

Look, maybe I've missed something that everyone else can see but I can't. Maybe, but I feel I just don't understand most of the player base in this game. Why is it that the first response to a level cap increase is asking whether or not everyone's gear is going to be upgraded? Why? What the hell does it matter!? I'm serious. Am I alone here?

We've been promised further career specialisation, a level cap increase linked to story mission progression, overhauled exploration content implementation, new bridge officer 'career' types, and your instinctive response is wanting to know if you can still blow s**t up as effectively as before?

From what I understood of the X2 presentation, we as a player base have been granted an opportunity to explore new content in an entirely new way; real exploration. Engaging in an unfamiliar environment in a way that is inherently different from the way we've played the game up to this point. Why are you looking to drag issues from the rest of the game into this?

"Oh, but I earned my gear!" Really? I mean, really? Did you exchange real currency specifically to obtain that item? You did? That's nice. So did I. So what? It didn't come with a lifetime guarantee. It still works as described. It isn't defective, is it?

This is the same reason why I've not got any sympathy for the T5 connie group. Why don't you fly the Connie? No one's stopping you. Fly it into Infected: The Conduit [Elite] if you like. You're not trolling; you're playing the game how you want to within the boundaries provided to you by the current game parameters. If you literally can't finish the mission because everyone in your team is flying a Connie, congratulations; that's the most awesome problem ever!

I had to spend half an hour yesterday listening to someone in fleet chat about how their ship was their favourite, and how it was criminal how they were introducing tier 6 ships, and how awful it would be if after the upgrade (which we have no right to criticise, as we know nothing about it at the time of writing), their ship wouldn't still be the BEST SHIP EVAR1!1.

This is what I mean. Players don't want something new. They don't. Oh sure, they'll pay lip service to the idea that 'Exploration and diplomacy suXXS! fIx nOw', but they have no interest in exploring new ways of interacting with new content.

When challenged on the subject, developers frequently raise the issue of how difficult it is to develop real exploration content in an MMO. The idea of discovering something new, something that is yours, something that others haven't discovered yet. Important aspects of immersion, like in the way that how you CHOOSE to interact with aspects of new content will fundamentally effect the way that you EXPERIENCE any given narrative. Choosing one thing in favour of something else.

Couldn't an upgrade project be seen as an exciting way of getting to know your ship better? Could it be seen as part of an ongoing refit? Is there no one else out there who sees this as a way to build a greater connection between Captains and their ships?

Why does every ship have to seek to maximise its ability to blow stuff up? Couldn't we have something like different ships offering bonuses to different kinds of Duty officers commendation points? That seems like something that might mitigate peoples ship choices. Or maybe ships could start having a dilithium cost for running, with larger more powerful ships having a greater cost in dilithium. Can an 'Exploration Cruiser' be better at the new exploration content? That would stop the Galaxy-group from moaning, right? Want a 10% reduction in common materials needed for crafting? How about using your 'Research Science Vessel'? Does flying in your Dyson ship earn you passive bonus Rep. marks?

I know this is coming from a nobody, but I ask you: how are you different from other players? Because that's what I'm always interested in. That's maybe the biggest problem with 'drip-feeding' players new content in small incremental amounts; time permitting, there's never any reason not to do it. I know this statement sounds insane when you first read it but it isn't, please. In order for choices in game play to approximate informed choices like in life, there has to be something like an opportunity cost involved, or something; the path that you could have taken, but didn't. I know this might come of as insanely pretentious. All I mean to say is that, time permitting, there isn't any reason why I won't do the 8472 Counter-command Reputation.

So please go ahead. Scream about protecting you plasmonic leeches or whatever they're called; spending time with you all is becoming more and more laborious.

Think I might stick to fanfiction...
- Can anyone lend me a ladder? I seem to be stuck on this high-horse and can't get down. -
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Re: I feel like i'm taking crazy pills.

Postby OCEANNUT » August 15th, 2014, 5:09 pm

I do think much of the way you do. I would have much preferred staying at Captain, for example. 3 and 4 star Admirals commanding starships, seriously? I am also all about keeping a ship for a while and continuing to upgrade it through projects, exploration, crafting, or discovery of new technology. So you have a ship with three weapon slots, why not be allowed to upgrade and add a new slot rather than getting a new ship. Or experimenting on new shield technology to enhance shields just like was done in several episodes throughout each of the Star Trek series.
It goes the same with "upgrading your Captain". I would have loved to learn new skills or abilities to enhance my Captain. Different "trees" to learn different things.

Anyway, you are not alone. I agree with a lot of what you said.

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