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Plasma Doping Results

Posted: January 19th, 2015, 1:23 am
by Razorwalker
OK, decided to test this out. Here is the setup:

Myka Karrde - Romulan flying T5-U Scimitar
Mk XIV Epic Gear
Argela Run with Kazon as Enemies both runs
NO pets (Even though combatlog says Pets)
Everything set identical as possible
First run: 2
[Console - Engineering - Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk XIV [+Turn]]
Second run: Replaced Neut's with 2 [Console - Science - Plasma-Generating Weapon Signature Nullifier Mk XIV [+Emit]]
Replaced 5 [Console - Tactical - Vulnerability Locator Mk XIV [+AP]] with 5 [Console - Tactical - Vulnerability Locator Mk XIV [+Beam]]

And, here are the results. First is the Non-Plasma Run. Second is the Plasma Run.
Plasma 01.jpg
Plasma 02.jpg