MEDLOG 0771-79657-10-75

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Earthdate 2406-01-11 08:04 PST

Postby daBelgrave » January 24th, 2014, 11:59 am

Medical Report - Starfleet Academy - Sickbay 4
Attending Doctor: Joyhn Zerna, Lt., Student Doctor

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve
Rank: Cadet
Age: 4
Species: Borg, Human
Height: 180 cm

08:04 PST (UTC-8)—Routine six-month checkup. Patient is healthy. All implants functional, per patient. No external indication of surgery noted in medical log nine days ago.
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Earthdate 2406-01-06 19:35 PST

Postby daBelgrave » January 24th, 2014, 12:00 pm

Psychological Profile - Starfleet Academy
Attending Psychologist: Petralla Wegere, PsyD; Starfleet Medical

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

19:35 PST (UTC-8)—When learning to cope with understanding how others feel, perhaps watching a hoverball game is not the first thing to go do. That can be a very emotionally charged environment, and was the first real use of the security escort Starfleet Intelligence has monitoring One and Two of Twelve. They are starting to grasp the nuances of how people are supposed to react, but actually implementing those responses will take them some time and practice. What I think would be very beneficial would be a brief counseling session on emotions, but developed by Liberated Borg for Liberated Borg. There are some former drones in Starfleet who are fully integrated without social problems. If they could provide insight into how to do that from a Borg perspective, I believe hundreds, if not thousands, of Liberated Borg would benefit. In the meantime, it’s back to classes for One and Two. One said they’re at the point in the class work that has them starting the equivalent training of fourth year students.

19:49 PST (UTC-8)—Note, Tuyo Allaron, Adm, Starfleet Intelligence
Good work on helping our former drones through their first major surgery and its effects, Mrs. Wegere. Lieutenant Commander Tdurkan informed me that restraining them took more effort than expected, so next time he might need to use a phaser on stun. I will pass along your recommendation for training material. If anyone can make it happen, Starfleet Intelligence can.
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Earthdate 2406-01-02 17:33 PST

Postby daBelgrave » January 24th, 2014, 12:01 pm

Psychological Profile - Starfleet Academy
Attending Psychologist: Petralla Wegere, PsyD; Starfleet Medical

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

17:33 PST (UTC-8)—One and Two of Twelve are adjusting slowly to their new ability to sense and comprehend the emotions of others. We will have to see where this leads. We already know they have extremely high learning potential, so it shoudn’t be too difficult. The specialists I’ve consulted believe their young age combined with adult maturity could give them an opportunity for learning unmatched by even the fastest-learning species known to the Federation, except artificial lifeforms like androids.
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Earthdate 2406-01-02 08:45 PST

Postby daBelgrave » January 24th, 2014, 12:01 pm

Medical Report - Starfleet Medical - SFA Extensive Care Detachment - Room 12
Attending Doctor: Aylerhaler Malersay, MD; Starfleet Medical

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve
Rank: Cadet
Age: 4
Species: Borg, Human
Height: 180 cm
Status: Awake
Initial condition: Fair.

08:45 PST (UTC-8)—One of Twelve is ready for the operation, which is the strangest I have ever performed. She refuses anesthesia, claiming that not only is she immune to the effects, but that she can direct her nanoprobes to prevent the triggering of pain receptors in the localized area of the incision. The hard part will be to keep from accidentally damaging existing neural pathways and implant circuitry. The second function of this surgery is to [REDACTED] per Starfleet Intelligence, who I presume are watching this procedure intently. On the other side of the room, Dr. Viller is performing the same surgery on Two of Twelve. Mrs. Wegere is on hand to assist with any communication with the patients, complications, and postoperative recovery.

09:01 PST (UTC-8)—The primary incision is complete. There were no adverse reactions to the exoscalpel. It is interesting to note that nanoprobes are vacating the area of the laser, as if self-preservation is among their subroutines.

09:48 PST (UTC-8)—The secondary incision through the left parietal bone is complete. Removal of the bone was difficult, as several implant structures and circuits run through it. Minor coating on some parts of the implants suggest nanoprobes clustered to protect the microcircuitry from the exoscalpel laser, conflicting with my earlier observation of their apparent self-preservation.

10:08 PST (UTC-8)—[REDACTED].

10:57 PST (UTC-8)—I have located the two circuits to cross link.

11:21 PST (UTC-8)—The tertiary circuit microfiber is in place, ready for connection.

11:38 PST (UTC-8)—One of Twelve said I will need to cross link the two circuits and connect the final microfiber within twenty seconds for it to work. Otherwise, her systems will go into a diagnosis and repair mode, which would temporarily remove her control over her implants and nanoprobes. The plan is to use a microtransporter to fuse the microfiber in place, while I cross link the other two connections.

11:44 PST (UTC-8)—Connections and cross linking are complete.

12:16 PST (UTC-8)—Parietal bone plug put back in place. The osteogenic stimulator seemed to be assisted by nanoprobe regenerative efforts.

12:25 PST (UTC-8)—Outer incision closed. Observed the same effect with the dermal regenerator as I did with the osteogenic stimulator.

12:33 PST (UTC-8)—Procedures complete. One of Twelve is finishing a check on her implant systems. If successful, she will spend the day with Mrs. Wegere and Two of Twelve recuperating as they adjust to the changes.

12:52 PST (UTC-8)—Patient released.
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Earthdate 2405-12-02 18:03 PST

Postby daBelgrave » January 24th, 2014, 12:03 pm

Psychological Profile - Starfleet Academy
Attending Psychologist: Petralla Wegere, PsyD; Starfleet Medical

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

18:03 PST (UTC-8)—Having spent the majority of her life in the Borg Collective, One of Twelve remembers most fondly her time there. She misses most the neural link and the millions of voices always present. She described it as calming to know there was always someone there to support her. Now that her implants only bring her silence, she is alone. I asked about how interactions with other people benefit her, but she said it does not have the same effect. When she talks to someone, any benefit gained from that interaction disappears as soon as that person is no longer around. I doubt there is anything Starfleet can do to assist her with this problem.

18:29 PST (UTC-8)—Note, Kutrizian Sodu
You are correct, Mrs. Wegere. Starfleet cannot do anything to assist with the voices. We cannot afford to let her turn on her transceiver, and a pre-recorded loop of voices would grow artificial and unrealistic the first time it repeated. We cannot help her with the voices, but there might be something else we can assist her with. For the past couple months, I have been working on the empathy problem with one of the techs at Starfleet Intelligence. In the microcircuitry connecting her neural-processing adjunct to the cortical array, there are two connections that intercept empathic feelings, and inject a feeling of indifference. Cross linking those two connections and adding a third connection should bypass that injection sequence, allowing her to finally understand how others feel, while fooling the implants into believing the connections are still intact. She probably has enough control over her implants that she could complete the procedure herself without anyone even knowing, but we believe it best if she allow a physician to do it. I can have schematics available for Starfleet Medical whenever she wants it done.

22:26 PST (UTC-8)—Reply to Note, Petralla Wegere, PsyD, Starfleet Medical
Thank you, Mr. Sodu. Both One and Two desire the procedure, but we believe it should wait until next month. They have quite a few classes ending in the next few weeks, so this is a bad time for them to have to learn to deal with a completely new set of emotional responses. I think January 2 would be a good day for the procedure. I will have the physician contact you for the schematics. How does a geneticist get so involved in her implants?

22:50 PST (UTC-8)—Reply to Note, Kutrizian Sodu
Your standard Borg drone has a basic set of implants designed for mass assimilation across a wide variety of species. One and Two, on the other hand, were engineered with her implants and genetics very closely integrated. I often find myself unable to fully understand certain aspects of their genome without also determining which implant affects it, and how. They are, as you suggested almost a year ago, both Borg and individual at the same time, and neither part of that can ever be completely removed.
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Earthdate 2405-11-04 18:56 PS

Postby daBelgrave » January 24th, 2014, 12:04 pm

Psychological Profile - Starfleet Academy
Attending Psychologist: Petralla Wegere, PsyD; Starfleet Medical

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

18:56 PST (UTC-8)—One of Twelve received a reprimand this past month in her basic shuttle piloting class. The reprimand is not something major that will damage her career, but it’s bad enough to make her think twice about certain things she does. It seems she reprogrammed a shuttle control panel to display Borg Alphanumeric in a configuration of her own design. It made piloting easier for her, but impossible for other students in the class. She learned that she is not allowed to make things easier for herself at the expense of others.

19:15 PST (UTC-8)—Note, Tuyo Allaron, Adm, Starfleet Intelligence
Mrs. Wegere, as One of Twelve’s counselor, please ensure Starfleet Academy consults with you before taking punitive action. You need to determine for them whether One of Twelve’s actions are because of negligence or malicious intent, and worthy of consequence, or only because of a misunderstanding. You and Mr. Sodu are Starfleet’s links to understanding her.
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Earthdate 2405-10-07 18:34 PST

Postby daBelgrave » January 24th, 2014, 12:04 pm

Psychological Profile - Starfleet Academy
Attending Psychologist: Petralla Wegere, PsyD; Starfleet Medical

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

18:34 PST (UTC-8)—Empathy is going to be very difficult for One of Twelve to master. I can tell she wants to understand it, but something seems to prevent her from actually doing more than being empathic in a logical sense. She can know the morally right way to treat someone, but that does not always coincide with what she believes is the correct way to treat them. It is still just strategy and calculating for her. I expect the easiest way to overcome this difficulty would be to provide One reasons why treating people the way we should is strategically better than treating them the way that benefits us the most.
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Earthdate 2405-09-02 20:22 PST

Postby daBelgrave » January 24th, 2014, 12:05 pm

Psychological Profile - Starfleet Academy
Attending Psychologist: Petralla Wegere, PsyD; Starfleet Medical

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

20:22 PST (UTC-8)—Many Liberated Borg tend to have a high desire toward improving their efficiency with a longing to exhibit what Starfleet psychologists call a ‘well-rounded’ perfection based on the seemingly impossible characteristics of the [REDACTED]. I wanted to see how One and Two of Twelve seek greater efficiency and perfection, so I held a joint session with both of them today. To them, the [REDACTED] is a bad idea, epitomized by its inability to be safely synthesized. Rather, perfection is a type of completion, a goal, something attainable and realistic. At this time, their goal is to find and be reunited with the other ten of the twelve drones created for Project [REDACTED]. That is their reason for joining Starfleet, their reason for the rapid pace through the academy, and their reason for alliancing themselves with the Federation. Because they referred to their joining Starfleet as an alliance,I am uncertain if they view their positions in Starfleet as permanent or temporary, or even if they have any real allegiance. Perhaps next time we should discuss empathy so they better understand the Federation’s moral basis for enjoying life and diversity, not just using it for strategic purposes.
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Earthdate 2405-08-05 19:51 PST

Postby daBelgrave » January 24th, 2014, 12:06 pm

Psychological Profile - Starfleet Academy
Attending Psychologist: Petralla Wegere, PsyD; Starfleet Medical

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve

19:51 PST (UTC-8)—The next standard academy year is beginning next week, but One of Twelve exhibits very little excitement about it. There will be no change for her since she continues to take classes at a very fast pace, and will continue to do so until her graduation next year. She alluded that the classes might be growing in difficulty, but not by much. The one thing she anticipates is once again playing hoverball with her friends who have been on break all summer. I am surprised she enjoys the sport. For awhile, I thought she considered it more of a chore since I arranged for her to play.
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Earthdate 2405-07-11 08:51 PST

Postby daBelgrave » January 24th, 2014, 12:07 pm

Medical Report - Starfleet Academy - Sickbay 1
Attending Doctor: Ille Hurn, Lt., Student Doctor

Patient ID: 0771-79657-10-75
Name: One of Twelve
Rank: Cadet
Age: 4
Species: Borg, Human
Height: 180 cm
Status: Awake

08:51 PST (UTC-8)—Routine checkup. Patient is healthy. All implants functional, per patient.

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